Individual Courses

Technical Training

Preparation For AWS® – CWI® Examination



CWI® Checklist – Read first and follow these instructions carefully

HIWT Technical Training Agreement (Apply Online)

2024 HIWT Exam Dates & Site Codes

2025 HIWT Exam Dates & Site Codes

AWS® Certification Application Portal

AWS® Documents & Forms

Recommended Prestudy for CWI ®

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

The certification for both the American Welding Society Welding Inspector and the Welding Educator becomes increasingly important today.

Companies and educational institutions are requiring certification of their inspectors and educators to fulfill employment qualifications. This two-week course is designed to enable students to be prepared to take the exam. Throughout the course you will be using the same tool kits that are used in the test kits for the hands-on portion of the exam.

It is the responsibility of the participant to complete the application, be accepted, and to be scheduled by the Qualification and Certification Department of the American Welding Society.

The Society requires a minimum of eight (8) weeks to process the applications for the test. The maximum test time for Part B is 2 hours, including break times and one hour for lunch. The examination will start at 7:45 a.m.

NOTE: A scientific hand calculator is required at the beginning of this course.

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

  • Duties of a welding inspector.
  • Welding fundamentals and communicating welding information.
  • Mathematics and metric conversions.
  • Introduction to destructive testing.
  • Welding inspection equipment lab.
  • Welding codes, procedures and procedures qualification.
  • Welding codes.
  • Shielded metal arc welding.
  • Oxyacetylene welding, brazing and cutting.
  • Gas tungsten arc welding/plasma arc welding.
  • Submerged arc welding.
  • Electroslag welding.
  • Stud arc welding.
  • Welding discontinuities/defects.
  • Introduction to welding metallurgy.
  • Visual inspection discussion with lab.
  • Liquid penetrant testing.
  • Eddy current testing.
  • Radiographic testing.
  • Magnetic particle testing.
  • Welding safety.
  • Equipment lab.
  • Course review.
  • Ultrasonic testing.

Preparation for AWS® Part A

CWI540 – A

3 Day

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

HIWT Technical Training Agreement (Apply Online)

This course prepares individuals for Part A examination of the Certified Welding Inspector exam focusing on the 11 content areas covered within the exam.  The Part A examination consists of 165 questions with 150 of those questions being scored and 15 being utilized as pretest questions to assess content validity and statistical performance.  Individuals will be given 135 minutes to complete Part A examination, which must be taken at a Prometric Testing Center.

Course content:

  • Introduction to Technical Center & Course
  • Definitions, Terminology & Communication
  • Welding Processes & Fundamentals
  • Cutting
  • Symbols for Welding & NDE
  • Nondestructive and Destructive Test Methods
  • Duties & Responsibilities of the Inspector
  • Welding Codes, Procedures & Qualification
  • Mathematics for Welding Inspectors
  • Welding Safety
  • Metallurgy


Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

Preparation For Recertification Of CWI® Part B

CWI540 – B


2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

HIWT Technical Training Agreement (Apply Online)

HIWT Exam Dates & Site Codes

AWS® Certification Application Portal

Recommended Prestudy for CWI ®

This course has been updated and revised with new color enhanced graphics. It is designed for the inspector who is required to recertify by taking the American Welding Society – Part B — Practical Application Examination.

The topics covered will include a review of the Part B – Book of Specifications, use of the inspection kits and nondestructive testing topics. This course also covers inspection of welded samples as well as sample exam questions. The exam on Part B will be given on the last day of the course. This course has at least five hours of assigned homework.

Course content:

  • Introduction
  • Identification and use of the inspection kits
  • Review of the Book of Specifications Part B
  • Filler metal classification and specifications
  • Base metal classifications and specifications
  • NDT methods and their applications
  • Welding discontinuities and defects
  • Inspection of welded samples using the inspection kits
  • Sample exam using inspection kits, welded samples and book of specifications
  • Exam (Exam fee not included in tuition.)

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

Preparation For AWS® CWI® Code Endorsement Examination Part C

CWI540 – C

2 Days
16 Clock Hours

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

HIWT Technical Training Agreement (Apply Online)

Recommended Prestudy for CWI ®

This two-day course covers AWS® D1.1 or API 1104
Anyone preparing to take an American Welding Society CWI® Code Endorsement Examination or a code re-examination…or anyone wishing to obtain more knowledge about the codes… may take this course. Learn or refresh your memory on how to find and interpret code information and practice taking a written test. Hobart Institute provides instruction for AWS® D1.1 and API 1104 codes only.

Participants must furnish their own codebook or purchase one at Hobart Institute bookstore. Anyone taking the American Welding Society CWI® Endorsement Examination or CWI® Code Re-examination must schedule their exam through the American Welding Society and may take the exam at Hobart Institute or at any AWS®-CWI® Examination site.

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

NEW - Preparation for AWS® Welding Performance Qualifier Endorsement (WPQ1) Examination


3 Days

21 Clock Hours

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

HIWT Technical Training Agreement (Apply Online)

Upon completion of the course, the individual should be prepared for AWS® Welder Performance Qualifier Endorsement examination and be able to complete the welder performance qualification process in accordance with AWS® standards and published best practices.

This 3-day course provides the guidance required to effectively conduct each step of the welder performance qualification testing process and maintain compliance by applying best practices and applicable standards including AWS® B2.1 Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification, AWS® B5.4:2005 Specification for the Qualification of Welder Test Facilities, and BPWQ Best Practices for Performing a Welder Qualification.

NOTE: Students are required to furnish their own copies of the following AWS publications and that those can be bought here at our bookstore or ordered direct from AWS.

  • AWS B2.1 Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification, 2nd Printing
  • AWS B5.4:2005 Specification for the Qualification of Welder Test Facilities
  • BPWQ Best Practices for Performing a Welder Qualification Test

Topics Include:

  • Test Facility Requirements
  • Standardized Procedures & Best Practices
  • Testing Management & Control (Routing Sheets)
  • Interpretation and Application of AWS B2.1 & AWS B5.4
  • Harvesting & Processing of Test Specimens
  • Visual Inspection and Destructive Testing
  • Evaluation & Disposition of Test Coupons and Test Specimens
  • Welder Performance Qualification Records (WPQRs)
  • Documentation and Record Keeping

A hands-on practical will be conducted on the final day of class challenging each student to apply what they have learned and complete the entire welder performance qualification process from start to finish. Following this exercise, students will complete a 50-question exam in preparation for WPQ1 Endorsement examination.

NOTE: Attendees must wear safety glasses with side shields and leather closed toe shoes or boots during the practical.

Preparation For AWS® – CWS® Examination


4 Day

CWS® Checklist – Read first and follow these instructions carefully

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

Apply Online

This course is designed for welding supervisors, engineers, purchasing personnel, foremen, line leaders, designers and detailers, corporate welding instructors, lead welders, and personnel involved in bidding and quoting work.

The American Welding Society has designated that applicants for the examination must be high school graduates or hold a state or military approved high school equivalency diploma; verify three years of practical welding experience in a fabrication, construction, or welding-related industry (direct relationship with weldments fabricated to code, specification, or standard) and be directly involved in design, production, construction, inspection, or repair.

Three years of relevant documented teaching experience may be substituted for one year of practical experience.

  • Welding fundamentals and processes.
  • Safety Welding codes and standards.
  • Welding inspection and documentation.
  • Personnel management and supervision.
  • Qualification of personnel.
  • Quality management and quality control.
  • Procedure management and testing.
  • Equipment and consumables.
  • Materials and prefabrication.
  • Examination.

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

Arc Welding Inspection


1 Week
40 Clock Hours
4.0 CEU

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

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Welding inspection personnel must have a solid background in welding defect analysis and weldment testing. This course can help provide that background. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to assist in implementing the inspection technique or techniques that will best suit the company’s needs.


  • Overview of welding inspection.
  • The welding inspector.
  • Welding codes, procedures, procedure and welder qualification.
  • The arc welding processes.
  • Weldment discontinuities/defects, Radiography and lab.
  • Visual inspection and lab project.
  • The nondestructive testing processes.
  • Liquid penetrant.
  • Magnetic particle.
  • Ultrasonics.
  • Nondestructive testing lab.
  • Destructive testing.

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

Fundamentals Of Visual Inspection


2 Days
14 Clock Hours
1.4 CEU

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

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This course concentrates on the single most used method of welding inspection — what we can see with the naked eye. Anyone involved with arc welding inspection, quality control, engineering or supervision should know the fundamentals of what to observe, “prior to”, “during” and “after” welding.

During this course you will spend time in the classroom and then in a “hands-on” lab session for actual practice.

  • Description and functions of common weld gages
  • Temperature indicator
  • Prerequisites
  • Marking repair welds
  • Visual Inspection prior to welding
  • Visual Inspection during welding
  • Visual Inspection after welding
  • Equipment required.
  • Terminology of weld defects
  • General requirements for workmanship standards
  • Visual inspection check list

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

Fundamentals Of Metallurgy


3 Days
21  Hours
2.1 CEU

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

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This course will provide the non-metallurgist with basic and fundamental knowledge of various metals and their ability to be welded. Anyone involved with welding will benefit from the better understanding of welding different metals. Students will learn metal properties, heat input, preheating, post weld heat treatments, selecting filler metals, plus much more.

Course content:
• Introduction
• Properties of Steel
• Carbon Steel
• Stainless Steel
• Aluminum
• Classification of Ferrous Metals
• Heat Treatments
• Induction Heating
• Destructive Testing
• Tool Steels
• Cast Iron
• Harding Surfacing
• Nickel Based Alloys
• Copper

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

Welding For The Non-Welder


4 Days
28 Hours
2.8 CEU

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

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This course provides the non-welder with a foundational understanding of the three primary welding processes, Gas Metal Arc Welding, Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Shielded Metal Arc Welding; as well as an overview of the welding industry along with some hands-on training learning the fundamentals of each welding process covered during the course.  Purchasing agents, plant managers, manufacturers of welding products, distributor salespersons, supervisors, quality assurance personnel and others will gain an understanding of welding fundamentals and operations that will make you more proficient at your job related to welding.

Topics include welding safety, metal properties, communication of welding information, general theory, and the fundamentals pertaining to each welding process.  This course is 50% hands-on with daily welding lab sessions.  Attendees are required to wear appropriate attire for welding including leather boots, denim pants free of holes/tears and cotton shirt free of holes/tears.  All other necessary PPE and welding equipment will be provided during training.

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

Liquid Penetrant & Magnetic Particle Inspection


1 Week
40 Clock Hours
4.0 CEU

2024 Technical Schedule & Pricing

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Magnetic particle and liquid penetrant inspection are the most widely used processes for nondestructive testing. This course provides the student with training in theory and hands-on laboratory projects. You will spend time in the classroom and time in the laboratory. The course will conclude with a written exam.

Successful completion of this exam will prepare the student for Level II SNT-TC-IA and AWS® D17.1 in Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Testing. Note: Students may bring their own materials for test samples. This course has at least five hours of assigned homework.

  • Introduction to liquid penetrant testing
  • Effects of discontinuities on materials
  • Liquid penetrant processing
  • Magnetization
  • Liquid penetrant testing methods and equipment
  • Principles of demagnetization
  • Selection of liquid penetrant testing method
  • Equipment
  • Interpretation and evaluation of indications
  • Types of discontinuities
  • Liquid penetrant process control
  • Flux fields
  • Test procedures and standards
  • Magnetic particles / methods of application
  • Safety, health, and disposal
  • Magnetization by means of electric current
  • Principles of magnetic particle testing
  • Evaluation techniques and quality control

Questions: Email or call 937-332-9500 ext. 9603

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Process

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Basic


14.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to deposit fillet welds in all positions using 7018 and 6010 electrodes and produce complete penetration root welds using 6010 electrodes.

Course objective: To be able to produce quality multi-pass fillet and single v-groove welds in all positions using E6010 and E7018 electrodes. This course also develops skills to perform in accordance with Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384- 014), Production Line Welder (DOT 819.684-010), Tack Welder (DOT 810.684-010) and the arc welding portion of Combination Welder (DOT 819.384-010).

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough technical understanding of shielded metal arc welding, welding safety, arc welding power sources, and electrode classifications and selection. It also provides training to develop the skills necessary to make quality single and multi-pass fillet and groove welds in all positions on ¼” mild steel plate using low hydrogen and deep penetrating electrodes, and multi-pass fillet welds on ½” mild steel plate in all positions using low hydrogen electrodes.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take four written tests. The student also must pass the following four skill tests: visual and break test on a fillet weld in the horizontal position using E6010 electrodes, visual test on a multi-pass fillet weld in the vertical position using 7018 electrodes, and guided bend tests on open root single v-groove welds in the horizontal and vertical up positions using E6010 and E7018 electrodes.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Advanced


14.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to deposit structural welds in all positions on plate in accordance with the acceptance criteria set forth in American Welding Society Standard D1.1, Structural Welding Code – Steel.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Shielded Metal Arc Welding Basic course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a guided bend test on 1/4” plate in the horizontal, vertical and overhead positions and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To produce quality multi-pass groove welds with backing in all positions using E7018 electrodes on 1” mild steel in the horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. To produce quality, multi-pass open root groove welds in all positions using E6010 and E7018 electrodes on 3/8” mild steel plates. The quality of welds is in accordance with the various recognized welding codes. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

Course content: This course provides training to develop skills necessary to produce quality multi-pass groove welds with backing on 1” plate in the horizontal, vertical and overhead positions; to produce quality open root single v-groove welds on 3/8” mild steel plate in horizontal, vertical and overhead positions. Welding related information is also provided on hard surfacing, repair of cast iron and metal identification. In addition, welding related information is included about procedure and welder qualification on destructive and nondestructive testing methods. Program students will have the opportunity to complete welder qualification tests in the vertical and overhead positions on 1″ single v-groove carbon steel blocks with backing using the SMAW process in accordance with AWS Standard D1.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take four written tests. The student also must pass visual and guided bend tests on single v-groove welds with backing on 1” mild steel plates in the vertical and overhead positions using E7018 electrodes. Tests are also given on single v-groove welds on 3/8” mild steel plates in the horizontal, vertical and overhead positions using E6010 and E7018 electrodes.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6″ Pipe 2G & 5G Uphill


14.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of this course, the student should have the ability to make complete penetration pipe welds using E6010 and E7018 electrodes using uphill travel in 2G and 5G positions.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Shielded Metal Arc Welding Structural Advanced course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a guided bend test on 3/8” plate in the horizontal, vertical and overhead positions and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To produce high quality single v-groove welds on 6” diameter schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in all positions. Quality is determined through visual inspection and mechanical testing. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of uphill pipe welding and weld quality. This course helps to develop the welding skills necessary to produce quality multi-pass welds on 6”diameter schedule 80 mild steel pipe in the 2G and 5G positions, using E6010 and E7018 electrodes.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take three written tests. The student also must pass visual and guided bend tests on welds produced in the 2G and 5G positions.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6″ Pipe 6G Uphill


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of this course, the student should have the ability to make complete penetration pipe welds using E6010 and E7018 electrodes with uphill travel in all positions.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe 2G & 5G Uphill course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a single v-groove pipe weld visual and guided bend test in the 2G and 5G positions using E6010 and E7018 electrodes and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $100.00.

Course objective: To produce quality single v-groove welds on 6” diameter schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 6G position. Quality is determined through visual inspection and mechanical testing according to ASME requirements. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384- 014).

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of pipe welding, weld quality, uphill pipe procedures and preheating and interpass heat treatments. This course helps to develop welding skills to produce quality multi-pass welds on 6” diameter schedule 80 mild steel pipe in the 6G position, using E6010 and E7018 electrodes. Pathways Program students enrolled in the Pipe Welder Career Pathway will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification on a 6″ schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 6G position with open root in accordance with AWS standard D1.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take two written tests. The student also must pass a visual and guided bend test on a weld produced in the 6G position.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding 2″ Pipe 6G Uphill


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of this course, the student should have the ability to make complete penetration pipe welds using E6010 and E7018 electrodes with uphill travel in all positions on small diameter pipe.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6” Pipe 2G & 5G Uphill course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual and guided bend test on a weld produced in the 2G position on 6” pipe using E6010 and E7018 electrodes and pass a written test.  Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To produce quality single v-groove welds on 2” diameter schedule 80 and XXH carbon steel pipe in the 6G position. Quality is determined through visual inspection and mechanical testing. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

 Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of pipe welding, weld quality, uphill pipe procedures and preheating and interpass heat treatments. This course helps to develop welding skills to produce quality multi-pass welds on 2” diameter schedule 80 and XXH mild steel pipe in the 6G position, using E6010 and E7018 electrodes. Pathways program students enrolled in the Pipefitter Career Pathway will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on 2″ schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 6G position in accordance with AWS standard D1.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take two written tests. The student also must pass a visual and guided bend test on a weld produced in the 6G position on both schedule 80 and XXH, 2” pipe.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6" Pipe Downhill


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of the course, the student should have developed downhill pipe welding techniques for the service transmission piping fields.

 Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6″ Pipe 2G/5G Uphill course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite test are required:

Pass a visual and guided bend test on a weld produced in the 5G position using E6010 and E7018 electrodes – and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To produce quality open root groove welds on 6” schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 5G and 6G positions using E6010 electrodes. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of downhill pipe welding procedures and weld quality. It provides training to develop the skills necessary to produce quality welds on open root carbon steel pipe in the 5G and 6G positions, using E6010 electrodes. Pathways Program students enrolled in the Downhill Welder Pathway will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on 6″ schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 6G position using downhill travel in accordance with API standard 1104.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe Downhill Branch API®12-On-12


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of the course, the student should have the ability to layout, cut, fit and weld a 12-on-12 branch connection as performed in the service transmission piping fields.


Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe Downhill course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite test are required:

Pass a visual test on a weld produced in the 5G position using downhill progression and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To provide students with the training necessary to layout, cut, fit, and weld a branch connection in accordance with the API 1104 standard branch connection test.

Course content: This course provides the student with demonstration and instruction on the proper layout, cutting and assembly of the branch connection utilizing various hand tools and thermal cutting processes. Pathways Program students enrolled in the Downhill Welder Pathway will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification on a 12-inch branch connection in accordance with API standard 1104.

Testing: To pass this course, the student will be evaluated on the various stages of the process including layout, cutting, and fitting on a branch connection.   The student is also required to pass a visual and destructive test in accordance with API 1104 for a standard branch connection.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Process

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Carbon Steel


2 Weeks
70 Clock Hours
7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform production and fabrication welding on mild steel using the gas tungsten arc welding process.

Course objective: To be able to produce quality fillet and square groove welds on carbon steel in the flat, horizontal, and vertical positions, using the gas tungsten arc welding process.

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough technical understanding of gas tungsten arc welding, arc characteristics and welding safety. It provides training to develop the skill necessary to deposit quality gas tungsten arc welds on 11-gauge and 16-gauge mild steel. In addition, material is presented on the metallurgy and welding characteristics of carbon steel.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test. The student also must pass visual tests on 11-gauge and 16- gauge carbon steel welded in the horizontal position including a lap joint, t-joint and outside corner.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2″ Pipe


14.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of the course, the student should have developed skills necessary to weld carbon steel pipe in all positions using the gas tungsten arc welding process.

 Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Carbon Steel course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual test on 11-gauge carbon steel welded in the horizontal position including a lap joint, T-joint and outside corner, and pass a written test.  Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To be able to produce quality single v-groove welds on 2” diameter schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in all positions. Quality is determined through visual inspection and mechanical testing. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of the preparation and techniques used for gas tungsten arc welding pipe. It develops the skills necessary to produce quality groove welds on 2” schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 2G, 5G and 6G positions. Pathways Program Students enrolled in the Pipe Welder, Pipefitter and Tig Welder Career Pathways will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on a 2″ schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 6G position in accordance with AWS standard D1.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test.  The student also must pass visual tests on pipes welded in the 2G and 5G positions as well as a guided bend test or radiographic test of a pipe welded in the 6G position.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding/Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6″ Pipe


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of the course, the student should have developed skills necessary to weld pipe in all positions using a combination of gas tungsten arc welding for the root pass and shielded metal arc welding for the remaining fills and cover.

 Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Carbon Steel course and Shielded Metal Arc Welding 6” Pipe 2G & 5G Uphill course. If these courses have not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual test on 11-gauge carbon steel welded in the horizontal position including a lap joint, T-joint and outside corner using the gas tungsten arc welding process; and pass a visual inspection on 6” schedule 80 mild steel pipe welded in the 6G position with backing ring, using the shielded metal arc welding process and E7018 low hydrogen electrodes and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To be able to produce quality single v-groove welds on 2” and 6” diameter schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 6G position using the gas tungsten arc welding process and shielded metal arc welding process. Quality is determined through visual inspection and mechanical testing. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough technical understanding of joint designs, programmable gas tungsten arc welding equipment and methods of welding carbon steel pipe. It provides training to develop welding skills to make welds on carbon steel open root, 2” and 6” diameter schedule 80 steel pipe in the 6G position.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written tests. The student also must pass visual and guided bend tests on welds produced on 2” XXH and 6” schedule 80 mild steel pipe in the 6G position.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Stainless Steel


2 Week
70 Hours
7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of the course, the student should have the ability to weld thin gauge stainless steel for use in various industries including aircraft, refrigeration, medical and others.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Carbon Steel course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual test on 11-gauge carbon steel welded in the horizontal position including a lap joint, T-joint and outside corner, and pass a written test.  Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To be able to produce quality fillet welds and groove on thin gauge stainless steel, using the gas tungsten arc welding process.

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of gas tungsten arc welding for stainless steel and provides training to develop the skill necessary to produce quality welds on .045” to .062” stainless steel in the flat and horizontal positions. In addition, information will be presented on the metallurgy and welding characteristics of stainless steel. Program students will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on a .062″ stainless steel butt joint welded in the 1G position in accordance with AWS standard D17.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test. The student is also required to pass tests on a five-plate assembly on .045” stainless steel including an outside corner, butt joint, t-joint, and lap joints with and without filler, and submit .062” stainless steel square groove butt joint in the flat position for x-ray.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Aluminum


2 Week
70 Hours
7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform production and fabrication welding on aluminum using the gas tungsten arc welding process.

 Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Carbon Steel course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual test on 11-gauge carbon steel welded in the horizontal position including a lap joint, T-joint and outside corner, and pass a written test.  Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To be able to produce quality fillet welds and groove on aluminum plate, using the gas tungsten arc welding process.

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of gas tungsten arc welding on aluminum. The student will learn to develop the skill necessary to produce quality welds on .125” to .250” aluminum in the flat, horizontal, and vertical positions. In addition, information will be presented on the metallurgy and weld characteristics of aluminum.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test. The student also must pass a visual inspection and liquid penetrant test on a multi-pass .25” aluminum single v-groove butt joint welded in the flat position, and visual test on .125” aluminum welded in the flat, horizontal, and vertical positions including a butt joint, lap joint, t-joint and outside corner.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Aerospace


2 Week
70 Hours
7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to deposit quality welds on thin gauge stainless steel tubing and sheet using the gas tungsten arc welding process.

 Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Carbon Steel course and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Stainless Steel course. If these courses have not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual test on a .062” stainless steel T-joint in the horizontal (2F) position and pass a visual and guided bend test on an 11-gauge carbon steel groove in the flat (1G) position using the gas tungsten arc welding process and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

 Course objective: To be proficient in aerospace tube and sheet welding on thin gauge stainless steel fillet and groove welds in the flat, horizontal, vertical and 45° fixed positions using the gas tungsten arc welding process. This course also develops skills pertaining to AWS® D17.1 welder qualification and production welding.

 Course Content: This course provides the student with a thorough technical understanding of gas tungsten arc welding pertaining to the aerospace industry. It provides training to develop the skills necessary to make quality argon purged gas tungsten arc welds on stainless steel sheets down to .030” thick, stainless steel tubing down to .049” thick, while using .20 and .030 filler wire material. The course will also utilize 1/16” torch components, gas lenses and back purging fixtures. Pathways Program students enrolled in the Tig Welder Career Pathway will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on a .030″ stainless steel butt joint in the 2G position in accordance with AWS standard D17.1 Class A.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test. The student also must pass a stainless steel sheet to sheet fillet weld visual test in the 2F position and a 6G position tube to tube groove weld visual test.

Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Stainless Steel 2" Pipe


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

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Upon completion of this course, the student should have developed the skills necessary to weld stainless steel pipe in the 6G position for refineries, power generation facilities and other piping applications.

Prerequisites: The student must have completed the HIWT Gas Tungsten Arc Welding 2” Pipe course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual and destructive test on a single v-groove weld butt joint on 2” schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 6G position using the gas tungsten arc welding process. The joint must be completed using the “cup walking” method and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course Objective: To be able to produce quality single v-groove welds on 2” diameter schedule 80 stainless steel pipe and square groove welds on schedule 10 stainless steel pipe, in the 6G position.

Course Content: This course provides the student with a thorough understanding of the preparation, weldability and methods of welding stainless steel pipe using the gas tungsten arc welding process. The students will develop the necessary skills to produce quality single v-groove welds on 2” diameter schedule 80 stainless steel pipe in the 6G position with purge and produce single pass complete joint penetration welds on schedule 10 stainless steel pipe in the 6G position. The student will also have the opportunity to develop skills in welding dissimilar metals (stainless steel to carbon steel) and learn different methods of applying root passes using the GTAW process.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test. The student must also pass visual and radiographic test on a single v-groove stainless steel pipe joint welded in the 6G position, a visual test on a stainless steel to carbon steel single v-groove pipe joint welded in the 6G position and a visual test on a schedule 10 stainless steel pipe joint welding in the 6G position.

Gas Metal Arc Welding Process

Gas Metal Arc Welding Basic


7.0 CEU

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Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform production and maintenance welding on mild steel including high volume fabrication, automotive assembly and repair utilizing gas metal arc welding with short circuit transfer.

Course objective: To produce quality multiple pass fillet welds and groove welds on carbon steel plate in all positions, using short circuiting transfer. Quality is determined through visual inspection and mechanical testing. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (dot810.384-014), Production Line Welder (dot 819.684-010), Tack Welder (dot 810.684-010), and the arc welding portion of Combination Welder (dot 819.384-010).

Course content: This course is designed to provide the student with a thorough technical understanding of welding safety, gas metal arc welding, equipment adjustments, metal transfer and shielding gases. It also provides training to develop the skill necessary to make quality gas metal arc welds in all positions on mild steel plate ranging from 11-gauge to 3/8” using short circuit transfer. This course also illustrates problems associated with welding situations and provides corrective information.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take two written tests. The student also must pass visual inspection and guided bend tests in the horizontal, vertical down, and overhead positions.

Gas Metal Arc Welding Advanced


7.0 CEU

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Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to perform structural welding related to fabrication and production welding of steel and aluminum assemblies using spray and pulsed spray transfer.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Gas Metal Arc Welding Basic course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a 3/8” plate open root guided bend test in the horizontal, vertical down, and overhead positions, and a written test.  Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To produce quality multiple pass fillet welds and groove welds on carbon steel and aluminum using spray and pulsed spray transfer.  This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

Course content: This course provides training on spray and pulsed-spray transfers for both carbon steel and aluminum. Short-circuit transfer is not covered in this course; it is covered in the Gas Metal Arc Welding Basic course. Spray and pulsed-spray transfer provide high deposition rates and pulsed-spray transfer can be used in all positions. Program students will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on a single v-groove butt joint with backing in the 2G position using pulsed spray transfer in accordance with AWS standard D1.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test. The student also must pass visual inspection and a guided side bend test and/or radiographic testing in the 2G position using pulsed spray transfers on carbon steel and two visual inspections and etch tests on aluminum in the 3G and 4G positions, using spray and pulsed spray transfer.

Gas Metal Arc Welding Pipe


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

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Upon completion of the course, the student should have developed the skills necessary to weld pipe using short circuit transfer for process and transmission piping.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Gas Metal Arc Welding Basic course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a 3/8” plate open root guided bend test in the horizontal, vertical down, and overhead positions, and a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To produce quality single v-groove welds on 6” schedule 80 carbon steel pipe in the 2G and 5G fixed positions, using short-circuit metal transfer. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

Course content: This course provides the student with a thorough technical understanding of gas metal arc welding, preparation for welding pipe and pipe welding defects. It provides training to develop the skills necessary to produce quality groove welds on 6” diameter schedule 80 steel pipe in the 2G and 5G positions.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test.  The student also must pass visual inspection and guided bend tests on welds produced on 6” schedule 80 steel pipe in the 2G and 5G positions.

Gas Metal Arc Welding Industrial


2 Weeks
70 Clock Hours
7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

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Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to perform structural welding related to manufacturing and heavy fabrication.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Gas Metal Arc Welding Advanced course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual test on 1” plate single V-groove weld in the horizontal position with backing using pulsed spray transfer and pass a written test. Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To enhance the student’s knowledge and welding skill in the GMAW process specifically focused on pulsed spray transfer.

Course content: This course provides the student with exposure to complex joint configurations commonly utilized in manufacturing and the fabrication of heavy weldments. It provides training to develop the skill necessary to make quality gas metal arc welds on mild steel using pulsed spray and short circuit transfer. Joint configurations will include single bevel groove, inside corner, and single v-groove. Pathways Program students enrolled in the Welder/Fabricator Career Pathway will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on a single v-groove open root butt joint in 3G position using pulsed spray transfer in accordance with AWS standard D1.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test. The student also must pass visual, and macro etch test on a multi-pass fillet weld in the 2F position, a visual and guided bend tests on a single bevel butt joint in the 2G position, and guided bend test or radiographic test on an open root single v-groove weld in the 3G position.

Flux Cored Arc Welding Basic


2 Weeks
70 Clock Hours
7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

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Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform structural welding related to buildings, bridges and heavy equipment manufacturing using gas-shielded flux cored arc welding.

Course objective: This course enables the student to produce quality groove welds on carbon steel using .045 diameter flux cored electrode wire. This course also develops skills for Welder, Arc (DOT 810.384-014).

Course content: This course is designed to provide training to develop welding skills on carbon steels plates ranging from 3/8’’ to 1’’, using .045 diameter dual shield flux-cored electrodes in all positions.  Program students will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on single v-groove butt joints with backing in the 3G and 4G positions using gas-shielded flux-cored wire in accordance with AWS standard D1.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take two written tests. The student must also pass three visual inspections and guided bend tests in the horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions on groove welds.

Flux Cored Arc Welding Advanced


2 Weeks
70 Clock Hours
7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

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Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to perform structural welding associated with manufacturing and heavy fabrication using a variety of electrodes including metal-cored, gas-shielded flux cored and self-shielded flux cored electrodes.

 Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Flux Cored Arc Welding Basic course. If this course has not been completed, the following prerequisite tests are required:

Pass a visual inspection and guided bend tests on single v-groove welds with backing in the vertical and overhead positions and pass a written test.  Prerequisite testing charge is $150.00.

Course objective: To enhance the student’s knowledge and welding skills in flux cored arc welding process.

Course content: This course provides the student with exposure to complex joint configurations commonly utilized in manufacturing and the fabrication of heavy weldments. It provides training to develop the skill necessary to make quality flux cored arc welds on mild steel using self-shielded, gas-shielded, and metal-cored electrodes. Joint configurations will include lap, single V-groove butt joint, and double V-groove butt joint. Students will also familiarize themselves with back gouging procedures. Pathways Program students enrolled in the Welder/Fabricator Career Pathway will have the opportunity to complete a welder qualification test on a single v-groove butt joint with backing in the 2G position using self-shielded flux-cored wire in accordance with AWS standard D1.1.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take one written test.  The student must also pass a visual inspection and guided bent tests on a single v-groove with backing in the horizontal position using self-shielded flux-cored wire, a vertical up single v-groove open root with back grinding using gas-shielded flux-cored wire and a production style quality test using metal-cored wire.

Additional Courses

Welding Technology & Blueprint Reading


7.0 CEU

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This course is important to the development of knowledge required by industry for employment of welders. Upon completion of the course, the student should have knowledge of all common arc welding processes including industrial applications, arc characteristics, and advantages. The student should have the ability to read symbols and blueprints as they apply to welding.

Course objective: To develop a practical understanding of welding with regard to welding processes, and auxiliary welding equipment for the welder. Also, to develop a technical understanding of the information contained on engineering drawings and the use of the information to communicate set-up and welding instructions from the designer to the welder and fitter.

Course content: This course presents information on welding safety, welding terms and definitions, basic metallurgy, metal properties, welding processes, symbols for welding according to AWSA2.4 and weld defects and discontinuities. The course also covers mathematics including fractions, decimals and metric conversions, as well as blueprint reading and layout.

Testing: To pass this course, the student is required to take 12 written test and must demonstrate their ability to properly layout parts from prints using common layout tools.

Advanced Blueprint Reading


7.0 CEU

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The objective of this course is to equip students with advanced skills in blueprint interpretation, material selection, layout, and assembly processes, while familiarizing them with measuring tools, shop equipment, and the creation of as-built drawings. The course emphasizes understanding codes, specifications, and quality control responsibilities in the welding industry.

 Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

 Accurately read and interpret complex blueprints, shop drawings, and welding symbols.

  1. Understand and critique the stages of the product design process and associated documentation.
  2. Describe and apply various fabrication and assembly processes, including layout and template creation.
  3. Demonstrate appropriate use of measuring tools and gauges for layout and assembly, ensuring accuracy and precision.
  4. Understand the role of CAD/BIM/CAM in modern fabrication and apply these tools in practical scenarios.
  5. Recognize and adhere to relevant codes, specifications, and standards, and understand the welder’s role in quality control.
  6. Identify and understand the use of various metal shapes such as beams, channels, and angles, and determine their dimensions, weight, and orientation in assemblies.
  7. Create accurate as-built drawings for effective project-level communication and documentation.

 Learning Environment:

 This course is conducted entirely in a classroom setting, with practical exercises and simulations integrated to enhance learning. Activities include demonstrations of NDE methods, assembly exercises, layout and template creation, material shape identification, blueprint analysis, and training on the use of measuring tools and gauges. These hands-on exercises provide students with practical experience to reinforce theoretical knowledge.


To pass this course, students are required to complete five written tests and successfully finish all assigned classroom work. The classwork includes practical exercises and simulations designed to reinforce the theoretical knowledge covered in the course.

Oxyacetylene Welding, Cutting & Brazing


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

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The objective of this course is to equip students with the skills to perform oxyacetylene welding, brazing, and both manual and mechanized oxyfuel cutting, ensuring the production of high-quality cuts, brazed joints, and welds, as well as proficiency in layout and blueprint interpretation.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

Perform manual and mechanized oxyfuel cutting on mild steel with thicknesses ranging from 1/4” to 1/2”.

  1. Produce high-quality fillet and groove welds on 11-gauge carbon steel.
  2. Create quality brazed joints on 1” copper piping in various positions.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of weld quality, application of fuel gases, and safety practices in oxyacetylene processes.
  4. Interpret blueprints and perform layout exercises, including laying out parts on a piece of steel and cutting the shapes using mechanized and manual cutting techniques.

Course Content: This course covers the following topics:

  1. Fundamentals of oxyacetylene welding, cutting, and brazing
  2. Manual and mechanized oxyfuel cutting techniques for mild steel
  3. Techniques for producing quality fillet welds and butt joints on carbon steel
  4. Brazing copper piping in various positions
  5. Principles of welding, cutting, and brazing quality
  6. Application and handling of fuel gases
  7. Safety practices in oxyacetylene welding and cutting
  8. Blueprint interpretation and layout exercises, including practical application in laying out and cutting shapes on steel

Testing: To successfully complete this course, students must:

  1. Pass two written quizzes demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of the course material.
  2. Pass two cutting tests using manual and mechanized oxyacetylene cutting.
  3. Complete a layout and blueprint interpretation exercise, laying out parts on a piece of steel and cutting the shapes using both manual and mechanized techniques.
  4. Assemble a project out of copper pipe, which will be leak tested to ensure quality.

Pipe Layout For Pipefitters & Welders I


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

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The objective of this course is to equip students with essential skills and knowledge required for laying out and fabricating common pipe connections.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

Demonstrate proficiency in interpreting piping isometric and spool drawings.

  1. Apply mathematical calculations and basic equations to accurately measure and cut pipes.
  2. Utilize industry-standard charts and tools for pipe sizing and material selection.
  3. Execute proper techniques for pipe alignment, joint preparation, and fitting assembly.
  4. Identify and troubleshoot common issues encountered during pipe layout and fabrication.
  5. Practice safety protocols and adhere to industry regulations throughout the pipe fitting process.

Instructional Format:

Theoretical/Classroom Setting (50%): Students will spend approximately 50% of the course in a traditional classroom setting. Here, they will engage with lectures, presentations, textbooks, discussions, assignments, and quizzes regarding theoretical concepts and common practices utilized in pipefitting.

Practical/Lab Setting (50%): The remaining 50% of the course will be conducted in a lab environment. Students will participate in hands-on exercises applying the knowledge and theory gained from the classroom. This includes cutting, beveling, fitting, tacking, and welding pipes using various techniques and tools.

Testing: To successfully complete this course, students must:

  1. Pass two written quizzes demonstrating their understanding of steel pipes, fittings, and pipe length calculations.
  2. Participate in hands-on exercises, applying knowledge in practical scenarios and engaging in collaborative problem-solving.
  3. Complete a class project involving the creation of a pipe spool containing a 45° rolling offset. The project is evaluated based on straightness, levelness, correct end-to-end dimensions, overall presentation, and integration of classroom topics. Additionally, the instructor may assign additional attachments to enhance the project’s complexity and learning objectives.

Pipe Layout For Pipefitters & Welders II


7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

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The objective of this course is to further improve students’ proficiency in the layout and fabrication of typical pipe connections, through the use of mathematics, equations, and charts for accurate fabrication and welding.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Pipe Layout for Fitters & Welders I course.

Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Utilize advanced mathematical equations and techniques for precise layout and measurement of pipe systems.
  2. Reference and apply industry-standard charts and guidelines to ensure accurate and proper pipe fitting and welding.
  3. Perform complex pipe layouts and connections with increased efficiency and accuracy, including advanced geometries and configurations.
  4. Demonstrate enhanced problem-solving skills in real-world pipefitting scenarios, effectively addressing and overcoming challenges.
  5. Comprehend the function and application of various valves and threaded connections within piping systems.
  6. Skillfully create and implement offsets around obstructions, ensuring continuity and integrity of pipe systems.
  7. Accurately design and fabricate parallel offsets, maintaining alignment and functionality of piping networks.

Instructional Format:

  • Classroom Setting (30%): The classroom setting will comprise 30% of the course, where students will engage in lectures, presentations, and discussions. During these sessions, students will learn to apply advanced mathematical techniques for precise layout and measurement. The classroom environment will also cover the understanding of various valves and threaded connections within piping systems and enhance students’ problem-solving abilities through discussions and exercises related to real-world pipefitting scenarios.
  • Lab Setting (70%): The lab setting will make up the remaining 70% of the course, providing students with hands-on experience. In the lab, students will execute complex pipe layouts and connections, utilizing the pipefitting practice structure. This modular setup allows simulation of obstructions, challenging students to navigate and integrate their designs effectively while applying the information learned in the classroom.

Testing: To successfully complete this course, students must:

  1. Pass Four Written Quizzes: Assessing understanding of advanced mathematical techniques, industry-standard charts, valves, threaded connections, and problem-solving strategies.
  2. Create a Final Project: Students are assigned a start point and an end point to create a piping system, incorporating a jumper offset. They must:
    • Accurately measure and layout the piping system, considering the specified offset.
    • Develop detailed and precise drawings of the piping layout, demonstrating understanding of blueprint interpretation.
    • Construct the piping system using accurate cutting, fitting, and welding techniques, integrating it into the modular pipefitting practice structure.

Introduction To Metal Fabrication


2 Weeks
70 Clock Hours
7.0 CEU

2024 Individual Course Schedule & Pricing

2024 Individual Course Equipment List

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The objective of the Introduction to Metal Fabrication course is to provide students with fundamental knowledge and hands-on experience, creating a solid foundation of understanding for the metal fabrication process.

Prerequisites: The student must have successfully passed the HIWT Welding Technology & Blueprint Reading, Gas Metal Arc Welding Basic, and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Carbon Steel courses. If these courses have not been completed, the following prerequisites are required:

Prior welding and blueprint reading experience, evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

 Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will:

 Develop a comprehensive understanding of what metal fabrication is, including its

principles, processes, and applications.

  1. Utilize mathematics to answer questions related to layout and metal fabrication.
  2. Identify and work with various materials and shapes commonly used in metal fabrication.
  3. Translate design specifications into actionable steps for fabrication.
  4. Proficiently operate and demonstrate the use of common metal fabrication tools

and equipment.

  1. Execute cutting techniques using various tools to achieve precise cuts according to

project specifications.

  1. Select and apply appropriate arc welding processes based on the metal components.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in selecting and implementing effective workholding methods.

Instructional Format:

  • Theoretical/Classroom Setting (40%): Students will spend approximately 40% of the course in a classroom setting, where they will learn the fundamental concepts and theoretical knowledge necessary for fabrication.
  • Practical/Lab Setting (60%): The remaining 60% of the course will be conducted in a lab environment, where students will apply what they have learned through hands-on exercises, safety assessments, and the creation of two projects from shop drawings.

Testing: To pass this course, students are required to take one written quiz, conduct hands-on exercises with a safety assessment, and create two projects from a set of shop drawings.
